Desakan Supaya Kerajaan Menarik Lesen Kedoktoran.. Gila Jahat Doktor Ni, Memang Patut Dibuang!
Mengulas tentang Desakan Supaya Kerajaan Menarik Lesen Kedoktoran.. Gila Jahat Doktor Ni, Memang Patut Dibuang! adalah hal yang cukup menarik, terlebih untuk anda yang memang sedang mencari Desakan Supaya Kerajaan Menarik Lesen Kedoktoran.. Gila Jahat Doktor Ni, Memang Patut Dibuang!. Nah kami sudah menyiapkan data yang cukup akurat untuk Anda baca, yang memang mengulas tentang berita atau kabar terkini tentang Malaysia.

Khabar yang sering kita dengan dari orang lain, mungkin masih membuat Anda penasaran dan ingin mengetahuinya, dan berusaha mencarinya di internet, dan tanpa sengaja menemukan situs, maka Anda sudah berada di tempat yang tepat, karena kami memang menyediakan informasi dan khabar terbaru tentang malaysia, baik khabar politik, olahraga, sosial, jawatan kosong dan banyak lagi lainnya.
Jika lesen kedoktoran tidak ditarik, doktor perogol ini bebas untuk berkecimpung dimana2 hospital atau klinik swasta. Sangat merbahaya kepada wanita2.
Yang nak sign petition:
Mohd Syafiq | Assalamualaikum and a very good day to everyone.
For your knowledge, Dr Zamyn Zuki is the one who had sexually harrassed and raped more than 10 female doctors who were under his orthopaedic department in Hospital Sungai Buloh, Malaysia. There were at least 7 witnesses who knew the stories as reported by The Star on August 2018.
And today, our health minister Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad announced that the public service department and health ministry have decided to sack him after an internal investigation done.
But it has come to our concern that, there is no criminal charges were taken on this sexual predator doctor and he is still a registered practitioner in this country as his license is not deregistered by the Malaysian Medical Council(MMC) yet. Which indicates that this criminal is still able to work at any private hospitals or clinics he wants.
In order to make sure the justice is prevailed and there is no more victim after this, I as a medical doctor would like to start up this petition to urge the government and the authorities to take legal actions on him, and do not attempt to cover up his crimes because of his father holds a "Tan Sri" title.
Thus, I would like to request all the victims who were traumatized by this sicko DO NOT COMPROMISE with any parties or person, please lodge a police report against him together, this sicko must be jailed as soon as possible. Our voices need to be heard, any form of sexual abuse and sexual harassment are not tolerable at all.
Last but not least, I would like to thank you to everyone who has signed up the petition. Please do not forget to share this petition as well to your friends and family. Khabar Lainnya:

Desakan Supaya Kerajaan Menarik Lesen Kedoktoran.. Gila Jahat Doktor Ni, Memang Patut Dibuang!
Jom Sign Petition, Dia nak 5000 sign. Sekarang pun dah hampir 4k sign. Katanya lagi, doktor ni telah merogol lebih dari 10 doktor wanita dibawah department orthopaedic. Yang request petition ini juga doktor. Ditambah lagi, ayah kepada pesalah(doktor) ini berpangkat tan sri.Jika lesen kedoktoran tidak ditarik, doktor perogol ini bebas untuk berkecimpung dimana2 hospital atau klinik swasta. Sangat merbahaya kepada wanita2.
Yang nak sign petition:
We demand criminal charge on "sex predator" doctor and revoke his doctor license - Sign the Petition!
Mohd Syafiq | Assalamualaikum and a very good day to everyone.
For your knowledge, Dr Zamyn Zuki is the one who had sexually harrassed and raped more than 10 female doctors who were under his orthopaedic department in Hospital Sungai Buloh, Malaysia. There were at least 7 witnesses who knew the stories as reported by The Star on August 2018.
And today, our health minister Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad announced that the public service department and health ministry have decided to sack him after an internal investigation done.
But it has come to our concern that, there is no criminal charges were taken on this sexual predator doctor and he is still a registered practitioner in this country as his license is not deregistered by the Malaysian Medical Council(MMC) yet. Which indicates that this criminal is still able to work at any private hospitals or clinics he wants.
In order to make sure the justice is prevailed and there is no more victim after this, I as a medical doctor would like to start up this petition to urge the government and the authorities to take legal actions on him, and do not attempt to cover up his crimes because of his father holds a "Tan Sri" title.
Thus, I would like to request all the victims who were traumatized by this sicko DO NOT COMPROMISE with any parties or person, please lodge a police report against him together, this sicko must be jailed as soon as possible. Our voices need to be heard, any form of sexual abuse and sexual harassment are not tolerable at all.
Last but not least, I would like to thank you to everyone who has signed up the petition. Please do not forget to share this petition as well to your friends and family. Khabar Lainnya:
Itulah Desakan Supaya Kerajaan Menarik Lesen Kedoktoran.. Gila Jahat Doktor Ni, Memang Patut Dibuang!, yang dapat kami sampaikan untuk Anda. Semoga informasi yang kami sampaikan dapat mengobati rasa penasaran Anda tentang khabar terkini dan paling update yang memang Anda cari. Terima kasih sudah berkunjung ke situs ini. Sampai bertemu di artikel berikutnya.
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